Two youtubers managed to film the speed of light

youtubers filmed speed of light

Slow Mo Guys’ youtubers have managed to film the speed of light using ultra slow-motion cameras from CALTECH University in Pasadena.

Is it possible to film the speed of light? Capturing what is by definition fast and ineffable seems like a mission impossible. In fact, it can be done: all you need is the equipment at the California Institute of Technology! The demonstration was recently provided by two British youtubers who are very popular for their slow-motion videos. The duo – who not surprisingly call themselves ‘Slow Mo Guys’ – visited the laboratories of the Californian University and ‘borrowed’ a set of sophisticated ultra-high resolution cameras. To get an idea of the power of these devices, the slow motion cameras normally used by youtubers are 20 million times ‘slower’ than those provided by CALTECH. Thanks to this equipment (as powerful as it is expensive), the two were able to film the speed of light at 10 trillion FPS.

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Two youtubers filmed the speed of light

The video that ‘captured’ the speed of light has gone viral on social media. We could say that its popularity literally grew at the “speed of light” with millions of views, likes and comments. This is not the first time that a physics experiment related to the speed of light has become very popular on social media. A short time ago, for example, an Italian-Canadian boy amazed his followers on Twitter with a video in which he used a chocolate bar and a microwave oven to calculate the speed of light. This test can be easily replicated at home and is 98% accurate: read how to do it in the article we dedicated to this curious experiment.

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