xPizza One: the “3D printer” for the pizza

3D printer pizza

xPizza One is an automatic robot that uses a technology very similar to that of a 3D printer to produce pizza: you can choose from 23 different toppings.

Day after day, room after room, the robots have entered our homes. Today there are robots capable of carrying out any domestic task, from cleaning to cooking, from caring for the elderly to entertainment. The most “populous” category is that of the so-called helper robots. They are intelligent electronic devices designed to assist humans in performing mechanical tasks such as washing windows, putting order in the closet or preparing dinner. Right in the kitchen, robots give their best and prove themselves as creative and talented as real cooks. The start-up company Xrobotics, for example, has developed a unique pizza robot. XPizza One works like a 3D printer. Only the ink is the dough: an employee “loads” the toppings and a mechanical spinning tray ensures a fair distribution of sauce, cheese and cold cuts. XRobotic can produce up to 150 pizzas per hour. It can prepare up to 23 different flavors and you can choose between three different sizes of pizza (25cm, 30cm, 35cm). The designers have already received 400 pre-orders and plan to distribute xPizza One in 50 locations around the world by next year.


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xPizza One: the “3D printer” for pizza

xPizza One is not the only “pizza robot” available on the market. BeeHex – an American company specializing in 3D printers – has created an automaton that is able to prepare 12 pizzas in less than 5 minutes. Not only simple daisies: thanks to its pneumatic system, Chef 3D can mix 10 ingredients and also bake gluten-free pizzas. If we are in the mood for a salad, we can rely on Sally. She is an intelligent machine capable of preparing hundreds of different types of salads. Sally was designed by Chowbotics, one of the leading robotics companies operating in the catering industry. The robot can process a single product at a time or combine the various salad ingredients and compose up to 20 salads at the same time. Some restaurants and fast food chains in California and Texas have already made agreements with Chowbotics to test Sally in their kitchens. 

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