The robot of the future

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If you’ve ever asked Alexa to bring you a beer and be refused by the assistant, the odds seem good to be served soon. Themes, the first personal robot assistant, developed by Israeli entrepreneurs, is teaming up with Amazon to roll Alexa-literally.

[youtube v=”0OPYHBDd4dY?modestbranding=1&cc_load_policy=1&autoplay=0&rel=0″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay”]

Source: Youtube Robot Themes

Global Themes officially launched the themes, or Robotemi, earlier this month at CES 2019 in Las Vegas, in a few weeks has garnered a funding of 21 million dollars.

In Las Vegas this month, the company announced its latest collaboration with the technological colossus and retail Amazon, which CEO Yossi Wolf has defined as “an important step forward for themes”.
Global themes will integrate the functions of Alexa and Echo Show from Amazon: This is the first intelligent, mobile and personal robot in the world.

The product is inspired by the great tendency of smart-display assistants, but is distinguished from others by the fact that it is mobile, characterized by human-robot interaction characteristics and autonomous Movement, says the company. Users can control themes from any remote location in the world through the app and command different actions, to accommodate guests in a hotel or restaurant to provide elderly medical care.

[youtube v=”tpP0eTF8QXM?modestbranding=1&cc_load_policy=1&autoplay=0&rel=0″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay”]

Source: Samsung Newsroom Youtube

Integrated Virtual assistants represented a huge trend at CES this year, where Amazon and Google rivals competed to attract attention. And, according to a report on The Verge, themes will be between 150 products with Alexa built-in, while Amazon engages as lead in virtual assistants.

“Interacting with the robot with the voice, which until a few years ago was not possible, is the first piece of the proposed value of themes”

He says to NoCamels.

The occupied families are among the target users of the robot company. Through themes, family members who work or live away from their relatives can be “present” at home at any time.

“Instead of calling someone, I’m calling somewhere. Even if I’m in a different place, I have full control. If I tell themto look for my son, i’il be there and I can be there and spend time with him. This is the basis “

Says Wolf.

By moving independently to the desired positions, the robot allows people to be in two places at once, without depending on someone else to carry a mobile device. “As a personal robot, ” Themes connects the physicist with the virtual world, “says Wolf.

Personal robots as themes, short for “Technology for me”, are taking a step further and preparing the ground for a whole new generation of smart assistants. The 3-foot, four-wheel-drive device with touch screen moves independently and connects people with friends, family and smart devices. Through human-robot interaction technology, themes recognizes objects and faces, allowing them to navigate alone and even follow users at home or in the office. It is controlled from afar by an app or by direct Voice command.

“I imagined themes already ten years ago, but only in the last four years have we worked hard to developit,” says Wolf. “It’s the first personal robot–there’s no reference–and that’s why it was so challenging.”

But there are signs that themes may not remain unique in its kind for a long time. Amazon has already revealed plans to release a domestic robot called Vesta (after the Roman goddess of the hearth, home and family) by the end of 2019.

“This is the best novelty of the year for robotics.”

Themes is available for sale at $1.499 Online and in a dozen stores in the United States. According to Wolf, the company will expand into European and Asian locations such as Japan “in a very short time.”

The recent 21 million-dollar funding round of themes has included a plan to improve marketing and distribution, with the goal of making themes available in 180,000 outlets worldwide.

“It’s a new product and it’s not cheap,” says Wolf. “People would like to see a demo to better understand its value. So we believe that combining online and offline is much smarter. “


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