State of the Art Novel InFlowTech – Featured Project Development

The present invention relates to a compression and pushing motor characterized in that it is composed of a housing, said housing accommodates a rotor rotating in its internal space supported by a pair of gears whose passage coincides with the inner surface of the rotor; A rotor (or core) that internally has flow ducts presented one in reverse of another, balanced these, begin at the point where they end; Has several cavity points for reaction turbines, as well as two combustion chambers isolated by means of a system of nozzles and presented in the manner of poles, that is on opposite sides of one another, but their flow with the same circular direction of the rotor when It rotates; The rotor also has several fluid conduits radially presented; A hollow power transmission rod arranged and traversing in the center of the rotor, which in its interior flows the lubricant and fuel with movement of the ends towards the center, at this point by means of the centrifugal force of the rotor reaches the required parts; In the bar is arranged an air intake fan which by rotating the rotor suction air and introduces it to the internal ducts of the rotor with an initial compression, next to this fan is a current collector that generates the necessary electricity and Together with a coil, activates the current necessary for combustion; A center of the nucleus in which the formation of the internal ducts of the rotor begins and ends (in and out); Said center of the core has arranged a pair of semi-cylindrical cavities housing two pairs of turbochargers said core of the core is diagonally traversed by fluid conduits exiting from the bar to the combustion bed and lubrication points and by the centrifugal force of the rotation Of the rotor sends the fluids to the required points due to their radial direction; Exhaust blades are the point of exit of the exhaust gases that leave the internal ducts of the rotor and contrareaccionan with the fixed blade in the last point of use of propulsion of the motor; Two combustion chambers contained in the rotor’s strong ducts when the parts forming it are joined, said chambers have their flame in front of the thrust blade, which is connected by a common shaft to a gear located on the outside of the rotor and Coincides with the internal gear of the housing; A starter motor which by means of a gear engages the starter gear attached to the bar. -This innovative concept consists of hull and core where are held all 8 Steps of the work-flow which make the concept functional. The core has several gears and turbines which are responsible for these 8 steps (5 of them are dedicated to the turbo stages). The first step is fuel compression, followed by 2 cold turbo levels. The fourth step is where the fuel starts burning – combustion stage, which creates thrust for the next, 5th step – thrust step, which provides power to the planetary gears and turbines and moves the system. This step is followed by two hot turbo steps and the circle is enclosed by the final 8th step – bigger turbine. All this motion in a retrodynamic circumstance effect, wich is plus higher RPM speed by self motion. The Reaction at front of the action.

-With Retrodynamic Dextrogiro vs Levogiro Phenomenon Effect. / Rotor-RPM VS InFlow / front to front; “Collision-Interaction Type” – inflow vs blades-gear-move. Technical unique dynamic innovative motion mode. [Retrodynamic Reaction = When the inflow have more velocity the rotor have more RPM Acceleration, with high (XY Position) Momentum] Which the internal flow (and rotor) duplicate its speed, when activated being in a rotor (and inflow) with [inverse] opposite Turns. The Reaction at front of the action. A very strong Novel torque power concept. 

-Non waste parasitic looses for; friction, cooling, lubrication & combustion.

-Shape-Mass + Rotary-Motion = Inertia-Dynamic / Form-Function Wide [Flat] Cylindrical shape + positive dynamic rotary mass = continue Inertia positive tendency motion. Kinetic Rotating Mass. Tendency of matter to continue to move. Like a Free-Wheel.

-Combustion 2Two continue circular [Rockets] flames. [ying yang] opposite one to the other. – With 2TWO very long distance INFLOW [inside propulsion] CONDUITS. -4 TURBOS Rotary Total Thrust-Power Regeneration Power System. -Mechanical direct 2two [Small] Planetary Gears at polar position. -Like the Ying Yang Symbol/Concept.

-The Mechanical Gear Power Thrust Point Wide out the Rotor circumference were have much more lever [HIGH Torque] POWER THRUST. -No blade erosion by sand & very low heat target signature profile. -3 points of power thrust; 1-flow way, 2-gear, 3-turbine. *Patent; Dic. 1991 IMPI Mexico #197187 All Rights Reserved. Carlos Barrera.

+PLUS; *State of the Art, Novel Technology, Featured Project Development / Space, Satellite and Habitat, Power-Plant, Generator, Self-Feed Unit; H2O=>HHO=>H2O=>HHO=>Etc… *4 Systems All in One Unit, One By One, Plus Four-4 Projects added One to Other; *·1-Gearturbine, ·2-Imploturbocompressor, ·3-Dynamic Generator, ·4-Electrolysis System:

Carlos Barrera, Inventor/Individual

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