It is a home electronic device that takes care of a kidney patient, examining
kidney functions with high accuracy, easy way, simple time, providing advice to the patient, monitoring his condition continuously, and reporting in the event of an emergency.

A method that adapts to the patient’s lifestyle and not the other way around.

The device features:

  1. Small size
  2. Cheap price
  3. Easy to use
  4. High resolution
  5. Fast to extract results
  6. A life saver in emergency situations
  7. it performs tests that take time and big financial costs, and they must be present in the health unit

The device has been used for the following examinations:

What are its functions?

The device checks kidney function and it stores the results of the examination and the patient’s data in a private storage and share it with the hospital storage system in which the patient is monitored using the Internet

It evaluates the patient’s results and displays them in the scale form and compares them with the previous results to determine the patient’s condition of progress or delay

It coordinates with the patient and links him with all activities related to his illness that are close to him

In the event that the patient is in an emergency situation (the results of the tests or a sound of distress from the patient is heard), the device calls the emergency and the responsible person from the patient in order to assist the patient

it gives the appropriate invasive recipes with the patient’s condition and monitors the patient in terms of the type of food and drink appropriate and its quantity per day

 If the patient is in an emergency situation and is far from the hospital, the device can give a prescription remedial to the patient’s life. In fact it communicates with the patient through the screen and the speaker, who uses artificial zakat to hear and respond to the patient

Inventor: Osman Rihan

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