New Frontiers in the Fight against Glioblastoma: Reprogrammed Cells to Fight Brain Tumor

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is one of the most aggressive forms of brain cancer, notorious for its resistance to conventional treatments and its high recurrence rate. However, recent developments in scientific research are opening new avenues for the treatment of this devastating disease through innovative cellular and genetic therapies.

CAR-T Therapy: A Revolutionary Approach

A team of Australian scientists at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, led by Professor Rajiv Khanna, has developed a cutting-edge immunotherapy based on CAR-T cells. This treatment leverages genetically modified immune cells that can identify and destroy residual cancer cells in the brain after surgery. The therapy is designed to be administered immediately following tumor removal, with the goal of preventing recurrence, a common issue in patients with glioblastoma​ 

The novelty of this approach lies in the ability of CAR-T cells to be specifically programmed to target cancer cells while sparing healthy ones. This not only enhances the effectiveness of the treatment but also reduces the side effects typically associated with traditional therapies such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Currently, the treatment is in clinical trial phases, but early results are promising and could lead to a new weapon in the fight against glioblastoma​.

Italian Contribution: Gene Therapy Against SOX2

Meanwhile, in Italy, at the IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele and the Institute of Neurosciences of the CNR, another research team is exploring a different yet equally promising approach. Coordinated by Vania Broccoli and Alessandro Sessa, the researchers have developed a gene therapy that targets a key oncogene, SOX2, responsible for the growth and proliferation of cancer cells in glioblastoma​.

The therapy utilizes an “epigenetic silencer” called SES (SOX2 Epigenetic Silencer), which inhibits the activity of SOX2 and blocks the genetic network that sustains tumor malignancy. In preclinical tests, this strategy has shown high effectiveness in reducing tumor growth and preventing recurrences without harming the brain’s healthy cells, such as neurons​.

Towards a Future Without Recurrences

Both of these innovations represent a breakthrough in glioblastoma research. While CAR-T therapy offers a powerful weapon against residual tumor cells post-surgery, targeted gene therapy against SOX2 promises to address the genetic roots of the tumor. If these technologies prove effective in later clinical studies, they could radically change the therapeutic landscape for glioblastoma patients, opening the door to more targeted and less invasive treatments.

In the not-too-distant future, these therapies could become integral to the standard protocol for glioblastoma treatment, increasing the chances of long-term remission for patients and significantly improving their quality of life.


The research conducted in Australia and Italy represents a tangible hope in the fight against one of the most lethal and difficult-to-treat cancers. The combination of immunotherapy and gene therapy could mark a turning point in glioblastoma care, offering new perspectives for patients affected by this disease.

Author:L. Giugliano

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