Mundus, the smart console for board games

The new console connects to your smartphone and takes the board game concept to a higher level

In the era of consoles like Play Station 5 and Xbox Series X, board games are gradually losing the interest of boys. The graphic evolution and development of augmented reality has made games like Monopoly, Risk and other classic protagonists of the evenings of the last decades obsolete. Mundus revolutionizes the approach to board games by exploiting the interaction with smartphones. The new product represents a meeting point between the classic board game and the convenience of smartphone games.

The project was launched on kickstarter from a start-up in Zagreb, Croatia. The team consists of four students of electrical engineering and computer science in Zagreb and are one of the youngest start-ups in Croatia. Mundus has already exceeded the minimum target in just one day. The game consists of a dashboard with boxes that light up and a set of physical buttons at each vertex of the square. The board is connected to a smartphone in the center and thanks to a special app it is configured according to the chosen game.

The application allows you to select several game modes, from a classic quiz game to a strategic one to a drinking game (suitable only for those of legal age and played with the obvious caution). The playful aspect is not the only one. Mundus can also be used as a teaching tool, as is already the case in 60 schools between Croatia and Slovenia. The game box contains the console, which can be customized with two different covers, four checkers, two dice and the USB charging cable. Mundus will be updated over time with new game modes to improve the players’ experience.

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