Maker Faire Hannover, the 10th anniversary celebration

This event, which is the third largest of its kind in the world, has become one of the most important international gatherings for makers, as well as being particularly significant, attracting up to 15,000 participants each year.
Last year, the Maker Faire saw 144 events take place in 26 different countries, demonstrating its global reach. During the event, visitors can admire hundreds of projects on display at some 200 stands, where they have the opportunity to exchange ideas, participate in hands-on workshops and learn from the various exhibitors.

Information for Exhibitors and Visitors
The Maker Faire Hannover from 17 and 18 August 2024 is an event that celebrates innovation, creativity and hands-on learning. This year’s main themes include:

The Maker Faire Hannover is distinguished by its unique mix of science fair, fun fair and innovation festival. This event not only inspires and excites generations of participants, but also promotes the exchange of ideas and creative solutions. Visitors can expect an unforgettable experience combining inspiration, creativity and innovation.

Youth Involvement and Workshops
Young people with an interest in technology find the Maker Faire Hannover particularly interesting thanks to the numerous hands-on activities and workshops offered by exhibitors. These educational moments are designed to stimulate curiosity and passion for technology and innovation among the younger generation.

For more information on how to participate as an exhibitor or visitor, please visit the official event website. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this extraordinary event and contribute to the global maker community.

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