KitchenMate: the canteen 2.0 for offices and companies

KitchenMate is a start-up that aims to revolutionise the canteen and catering service in offices and companies: “healthy and fresh food every day”.

Are you tired of cooking lunch in the morning before going to work? Are you having problems with a mysterious colleague who is always stealing your snack? Do you always go to the fast-food restaurant during your lunch break and the scales “cry” every time you climb on them? Don’t be afraid: from today there is a solution for all your problems! It’s called KitchenMate and it comes directly from Canada. Founder and CEO Yang Yu has set himself the goal of providing workers around the world with “healthy meals at an affordable cost”. To do this, he developed a highly innovative system that combines catering, engineering and logistics. The meals are cooked in special cooking centres and packed inside special wafers. The latter are delivered to the offices and regenerated inside an “intelligent cooker”. All equipment can be purchased or rented directly from employers. The pods cost between $7 and $9 and are tamper-proof. As well as being delicious: “People love fresh food,” commented the manager of a company that uses KitchenMate, “but also the reward programme and the ability to choose meals according to their preferences. Our staff really appreciate the customer service and the fact that the team actually listens to feedback and improves the product based on our opinions. Overall, we are very satisfied with the service.

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KitchenMate: the canteen 2.0 for offices and companies

To finance the project start-up, the KitchenMate start-up raised $3.5 million in funding. Crowdfunfing giants such as Eniac Venturese Golden Ventures, FJ Labs and Techstars have also expressed interest in Yang Yu’s idea and invested substantial sums of money. For the time being, the start-up is only active in Canada and delivers waffles to the offices once or twice a week. Workers can choose what to eat by voting for their favourite dishes via a smartphone app. If the company has a canteen, the start-up offers the possibility of preparing meals directly in the office kitchens. From Canada Yang Yu aims to conquer the world: the first step of growth will be in the USA, but the entrepreneurs of Asian origin also want to feed the workers of Asia and Europe. Will he succeed?

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