According to the UK information portal The Information, Mark Zuckerberg’s company is testing for the production on an industrial scale of a device that allows streaming of content and video calls between users. For the moment Facebook has neither denied nor confirmed the indiscretion.
As early as 2014, when Facebook acquired Oculus, a U.S. company specializing in the production of glasses for augmented reality, the first rumors occurred. Catilina, this is the code name used, is the name of the new device designed for the use of streaming content and video calls.
The indiscretions
According to the British media The information, Facebook has turned to Netflix, Disney and Amazon for the release of content on the new platform. For now Facebook has neither denied nor confirmed what reported by The Information, as well as Amazon. Therefore, the most informed claim that the actual sale of the new device will start in October 2019.

The device
Equipped with a camera and technology suitable for Smart TV, the new device follows the last one launched in autumn 2018. Obviously, before the launch, new changes will necessarily be implemented, in line with the statements made by the responsible AR and VR of Facebook. Portal’s sales data have not been released so far. According to analyst Adam Wright 54,100 Portal devices have been sold, a figure not confirmed by the Company.
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