International Invention and Innovation Contest PRIX EIFFEL, Paris 15-16 Nov. 2023

In cooperation with the French Federation of Inventors F.F.I. and the Association of Europe – France Inventeurs E.F.I. We kindly invite you to participate in the International Invention and Innovation Contest “PRIX EIFFEL”.The patron of the Competition is Gustave Eiffel, a brilliant innovator and constructor, a major figure of the industrialization era in Europe and rest of the world.
He is the designer of the tower which has become the icon of Paris and other innovational solutions created both in France and abroad.

The Prix Eiffel competition takes place online with the award ceremony in Paris on the 15th ofNovember 2023,with guests of honour, including Mr. Philippe Coupérie-Eiffel, Honorary President of the French Federation of Inventors F.F.I. and the Association of Europe – France Inventeurs E.F.I. Winners of the Prix Eiffel 2023 competition are then invited to promote the awarded solutions at the exhibition stand at the international fair”GLOBAL INDUSTRIE” 2024 (Paris, March 25th-28th 2024) –an event of great international renown.

PRIX EIFFEL Invention Contest

The competition is aimed at scientific entities, innovative companies, start-ups and individual inventors as well as at young people.All solutions submitted to the Prix Eiffel competition will be evaluated by an international jury representing both science and industry. Among the awards are given special distinctions funded by event partners and medals: platinum, gold, silver and bronze, and for the best solution -theGrand Prix award.


The jury will award the following prizes: Grand Prix, platinum, gold, silver
and bronze medals as well as special distinctions.

Presidium of the International Jury:

The President:

The vice-presidents:


•To 13thOctober2023 – Submission ofthe Contest’s Applications
•To 14thOctober2023 – SendingInformation Formsforthe Jury

Why innovations management matters
dr.PhilippeLaurier – EcoleNationaledesPontsetChaussées

Understanding the role of WIPO ininnovation management
Andrew Czajkowski- Director of Technology and Innovation Support Division inWIPO

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