Use of Kahoot for assessment in STEM-based chemistry education
These schools in Vietnam today, especially in the general and public education program, STEM education both means to promote education in the fields of sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics, and demonstrates the method of teaching and learning interdisciplinary approach, developing capacity and quality of learners. The school managers and teachers also need to determine what supports teachers feel improve their ability to prepare learners seeking the graduation and pursuing STEM careers. The project offers a number of measures that can improve the quality of STEMbased education in schools. Teachers can come up with plans to organize STEM experiences through science clubs, hands-on activities, and organize those clubs according to interests or aptitudes. Managers also need to have an annual STEM education plan, with specific content of each experience session, and must clearly describe the purpose, requirements, process, and expected results from which to draw out the advantages and disadvantages of the learning process. Between schools to strengthen cooperation and 2 exchange at the same level and with higher education institutions, vocational education and training institutions, businesses and families to organize experiences with high efficiency.
To organize scientific and technical research activities in the form of individual or group topics and projects, under the guidance of teachers or professional scientists. Or organize STEM festivals, periodic competitions about STEM at the school to evaluate, praise and reward the efforts of teachers and students, and select excellent topics and projects to participate in national contests. The school builds and strengthens the core team of STEM teachers to participate in training sessions. The school also needs to meet the professional team every month and ask to design and build STEM content according to lessons and topics in a creative way to attract learners.
Equipment for STEM learning needs to be appropriately equipped, accessible, safe, and encouraged to be used inside and outside the classroom to increase learner autonomy. Building a STEM lab through parent-teacher meetings at the beginning of the academic year, school principals propagating about STEM education and the benefits students get. Thereby mobilizing students’ parents to pay attention and support the school to build STEM labs. Develop evaluation criteria for STEM competitions and STEM lessons in the direction of analysis and experience for teachers and learners.
Author: Le Thi Mai Hoa1,*, Hoang Thu Thao2 , Tran Ha Phuong Anh3 , Nguyen Thi Anh Nguyet4 , Doan Thanh Tu 4 1,* Department of Vocational Education and Training, Central propaganda and training commission, Hanoi, Vietnam 2 Vien An Secondary School, Ung Hoa, Hanoi, Vietnam 3 Department of Biology, VNU – Hanoi University of Science (HUS), Hanoi, Vietnam 4 VNU-University of Education, Hanoi, Vietnam * Corresponding author: Dr. Le Thi Mai Hoa