IBM has patented the first 2-nanometer chip: ‘It will be a revolution’

IBM 2-nanometer chip

IBM has announced the creation of the world’s first 2-nanometer chip: it will guarantee 45% higher performance than the most advanced chips on the market today

Just 2 nanometres (one billionth of a metre, or one millionth of a millimetre) are enough to bring about a technological revolution. The engineers at IBM are certain of this. The American tech company has announced the creation of the first 2 nanometre chip. To be clear, 2 nanometres is roughly the diameter of the DNA double helix. Thanks to this extremely small size, IBM’s new product will guarantee 45% higher performance than the most advanced chips (5 or 7 nanometres) used in CPU architectures today. According to the US company’s calculations, a laptop with a 2 nanometer chip could have up to four times longer battery life. This would significantly reduce energy consumption (a full charge every four days would be sufficient) and allow users to use their PCs with great freedom.

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IBM has patented the first 2-nanometer chip

In addition to increasing battery life, 2-nanometer chips would also improve computer performance. For example, they would allow faster Internet access and much faster data processing. According to IBM, the new chips could also be used to implement obstacle detection systems in self-driving cars. The American company also said that its latest product will also have a positive impact on the environment. Thanks to the 2 nanometre chips, data centres (i.e. digital infrastructures for storing data) will be able to significantly reduce their power consumption and carbon emissions into the atmosphere. This is no small advantage when you consider that data centres currently account for 1% of global energy consumption!

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