Here is the 3d camera of the Ipad Pro

Announced for early 2020, the 3d camera of the new IpadPro license plate Apple is expected to be launched in the market next year.

For next year there are several rumors about the features of the new IpadPro. From the use with a usb mouse to the realization of a model with medium – low pricing, the most intriguing novelty seems to be that of a 3d camera. According to the macrumors portal, the camera should enjoy the “time-of-flight technology“, which guarantees a sense of depth and perspective in the snapshot.

font: official channel Youtube Apple


In detail, “the time of flight” allows the exact three-dimensional reconstruction of the object through a laser bouncing in a room. Derkwoo Electronic from Korea will supply the microelectronic components and will start production on an industrial scale by the end of the year.

Data in hand, Apple has been implementing this technology since 2015, i.e. since the launch of the new generation IpadPro. Considering that never before does the IpadPro receive hardware updates before the Iphone, the curiosity is certainly remarkable. According to the latest rumors, both the new Iphone and the IpadPro will mount this technology between the end of 2019 and the first quarter of 2020.

Beyond a sales advantage, this 3d camera technology will be followed by Augmented Reality applications.

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