From Google the new premium smartphone, but at a competitive price

The new device of the Colossus of Mountain View, promises new services and a new level of interactivity. Strong point, the new virtual assistant, faster than the competitors

It’s called Pixel 3A, and it’s the new low Cost smartphone from Google, which aims to carve out its own space in the Jungle of Mobile, Competing with Samsung, Apple and Huawei. Several novelties enclosed in the 3A Pixel: At least a dozen new Services, which, exploiting the potential offered by the Machine Learning, will allow the user to have a Assistant Virtual ten times Longer Fast, and yet a series of integrations that will make it easy to book a place in the restaurant, for example, or a rental car or even for making a phone call without using the voice, but only with a text chat.

The goal stated by the Ceo of Google, Sundar Pichai, is to give a hand always, at home or at work. And with this new smartphone you get very close to this lens. Pixel 3A will start from a price of 399 euros. A little excessive? Perhaps not, considering that most of the functions present are comparable to those of a premiumsmartphone, but with a cost less than half. The XL version is also provided, and will have a dual 12 megapixel camera that can take advantage of augmented reality functions.

Google’s team of engineers has somehow rethought the method by which the various services are powered by machine learning. These Learningmodels allow the software to recognize our words and immediately find a response. These models have been simplified, and weigh less, from 100 gigabytes to less than 1 gigabyte, so even most of the functions of Google virtual Assistant, will be transferred from the cloud to the device. This results in a much quicker response, because you won’t need to switch from your smartphone to the cloud and vice versa.

Another interesting feature is duplex to The Web, heir to Duplex, presented last year, which made it possible to ask the Assistant to book a table at the restaurant directly by calling the Local. Duplex to the Web, you can book a rental car without having to enter your travel details. The assistant will find them in the calendar and then present the quotation to the user. On Pixel 3A There is also the Lens app that is connected to the camera: By framing the image, it automatically searches for information on the Web. Framing a receipt, for example, can split the account between friends, or, when the camera is pointed at a sign, is able to translate it or listen to what is written. Among the results it will be possible to see also 3D images, potential exploitable also for didactic functions, as, for example, to explain scientific images complicated to understand.

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