Ecocapsule: the miniature house that you can buy online

Ecocapsule is a miniature house that can be purchased online at the price of 49 thousand euros: solar panels and recycled materials make the housing module green.

4.67 x 2.2 m and 8.2 square meters. These are the dimensions of one of the smallest houses you can buy online. This mini home is called Ecocapsule and is designed by a Slovak company specializing in eco-sustainable housing solutions. The miniature house has a bubble shape reminiscent of a spaceship. The outer surface in steel and polyurethane foam is covered with a white fiberglass shell that provides thermal insulation. Inside (the entrance is through a small sliding door) there is a recycled wood floor. The interior design is very minimalist but the user can enrich it with details regarding the bed, kitchen appliances, bedroom, bathroom and air conditioning system.

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Ecocapsule: the miniature house of 49 thousand euros

ecocapsule miniature house
The interiors of Ecocapsule

In addition to being mini, Ecocapsule (as the name suggests) is totally green and eco-sustainable. On the ceiling, there are solar panels that guarantee the production of 200 Watts of electricity. If there is no sun, you can activate the low noise wind turbine mounted on the roof of the house. The house can also be connected to the electricity grid through a standard socket and has an innovative rainwater collection system. Ecocapsule can be purchased online on the manufacturer’s website and a deposit of 300 euros is sufficient. The basic model is sold at a price of 49 thousand euros but – adding custom details – you can reach the figure of 79 thousand euros. Ecocapsule can be used as a mobile office, exhibition space for events or, alternatively, as a room in the heart of nature.

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