Domino’s: pizza delivered by robot

The Domino’s pizzeria chain has developed a delivery service with self-driving robots that deliver pizza directly to the customer’s home

You’re hungry, you order a pizza at home, you wait for the delivery time, you open the door and… you find yourself in front of a robot! This is what will happen to millions of pizza lovers very soon. Domino’s Pizza – a fast food chain with thousands of outlets in the USA and around the world – has launched a delivery service using driverless, self-driving robots. For the moment, this is only an experiment limited to the city of Houston, Texas. Here, hungry citizens will be able to order their favourite pizza from the Domino’s website and select NURO R2 as the delivery method. It is an intelligent, self-driving, driverless robot that will ‘take charge’ of the pizza and deliver it directly to the doorstep. Customers will be able to follow the robot’s route via GPS. Once they arrive at their destination, all they have to do is enter a PIN code on the robot’s touchscreen and they can enjoy their pizza while it’s still steaming.


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Domino’s pizza delivered by a robot

This is not the first time that robotics has entered a pizzeria. In this article we told you about the first robot pizza maker capable of rolling out and seasoning dozens of pizzas every minute. Now, however, it is the delivery boy who has become cybernetic. The innovation is important and could revolutionise the delivery sector. Dennis Maloney, vice-president of Domino’s Pizza, is convinced. We are excited to continue to innovate the delivery experience for Domino’s customers by testing autonomous delivery with Nuro in Houston,” he said in an interview with CNN. Our brand still has a lot to learn in the area of autonomous delivery. This programme will allow us to better understand how customers react to deliveries, how they interact with the robot and how this affects shop operations. The growing demand for pizza creates a need for more deliveries, and we look forward to seeing how autonomous delivery can work together with Domino’s delivery experts to better support customer needs.”

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