The disinfectant dispenser (wearable) for hands always clean

dispenser wearable hands

Wellness Innovation Labs has launched crowdfunding for a wearable disinfectant dispenser that can be “worn” in the waistband of your trousers: it’s ideal for keeping your hands clean!


No more dirty hands! This could be the slogan of Go.C the first portable sanitizing gel dispenser ever designed. The idea comes from California and was developed by the creative designers of Wellness Innovation Labs. The dispenser is small, handy and can be conveniently attached to the belt of your pants. When you press the silicone button with your thumb, the Go.C Sanitizer sprays the optimal amount of disinfectant directly onto the palm of your hand, allowing you to distribute the disinfectant easily and efficiently, avoiding any possibility of contamination. Go.C is available in three colours (black, white and grey), it can be carried in aircraft hand luggage and is also eco-friendly. The dispenser is in fact entirely made of recycled plastic.

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A dispenser of disinfectant to wear

Go.C is in the process of patenting. Meanwhile, the company that developed it has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to finance the production of the first dispensers. Go.C can be booked at a cost of 17 euros (plus shipping) to receive it, without disinfectant, within the next few weeks. The Coronavirus emergency – reads the product description on Kickstarter – “makes personal hand disinfectants an essential element of your daily life with regard to health and safety. We recognise the need for protection against harmful viruses and bacteria. Having your personal hand sanitizer is a burden when you need it most is not very convenient. The Go.C dispenser is designed to allow everyone to take care of their health without burdening their pockets.

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