Built by the French Shark Robotics, the robot is supplied to the fire brigade in Paris.
In the era of robotics, heroes are not only more human. We had proof during the inspections of the various drones and robots after the earthquake of L’Aquila and the collapse of the Hotel Of Rigopiano. In these days of the tragedy of the burning of Notre-Dame, one of the most active participants in the rescue of the historic Parisian cathedral was he: Colossus. The robot, supplied to the body of the fire brigade of Paris, managed to enter inside the Church hell and managed to lower the temperature inside the structure.
Thanks to the use of his powerful jets of water He also allowed his colleagues. The wooden vault and some of its precious stained glass windows did not go however lost, but the intervention of the robot French allowed a rescue in extremis of the rest of the structure, given for many as lost.

But where does Colossus come from? Built by French Shark Robotics Company, the capabilities of the firefighter robots range from extinguishing fire to transporting injured or equipment. Not only prompt intervention: one of the activities is to optical reconnaissance thanks to the use of a camcorder in HD with a view of 360 ° and a zoom X25 with thermal camera and NRBC sensors.
A solid structure, built in aluminium and welded steel, totally assembled by Shark Robotics, for a total of a ton of weight. Waterproof and protected from thermal radiation, it has a autonomy that goes from 10 to 12 hours in situations of operation and a great ease of piloting, so much so that for the training of the pilot is necessary half a day.