BIIS 2021: here’s what happened

The 2nd Beirut International Innovation Show (BIIS 2021) happened virtually between 8 and 10 April 2021, with the participation of more than 70 inventors from 14 countries. The inventions were to both individuals and institutions such as the Turkish Inventors and Innovators Network, the Egyptian National Institute for Housing and Construction Research, the Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, the Roman Inventors Forum, the Iraqi Inventors and Innovators Association, the Union of Arab Academics, The First Institute for inventors in Iran, in addition to universities and companies from Germany, Turkey, Canada, Indonesia, Oman, Syria, Yemen and Sudan… BIIS aims to become a global leading venue for Innovators, Inventors and Investors with strong emphasis on Technology Transfer and Research Valorization. This show was organized by the National Association for Science and Research (NASR), which is a Lebanese NGO working on spreading innovation amongst youth since 16 years. NASR is also the organizer of Mobarat El’Oloum the largest innovation fair and competition for youth in Lebanon and the Arab world, and it is the focal point in Middle East for the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA FPME)

Opening Ceremony

BIIS 2021 was launched virtually with an opening ceremony on April 8th 2021, with the participation of the Lebanese minister of industry Dr. Imad Hoballah, IFIA president Dr. Alireza Rastegar, and NASR president Mr. Radwan Chouaib. During that ceremony moderated by the communications and Outreach Manager at NASR, Dr. Ninette Kamel, Mr. Chouaib introduced the activities done by NASR, and highlighted the important issues about BIIS 2021. In addition, Dr. Rastegar thanked NASR and IFIA FPME for organizing this show and thanked the minister for sponsoring this event. 

After that, Dr. Hoballah spoke and praised the efforts of NASR and the organizers, and thanked the innovators participating in the show for their work, and he addressed them with an encouraging and motivational speech, and said, “To succeed, we must all get out of our comfort zone and face all obstacles with an advanced and open mind, and thus we can be more creative and help our societies”.

Award Ceremony

BIIS 2021 was concluded with a virtual ceremony on Saturday April 10, 2021, with the participation of the international Moroccan inventor, Prof. Rachid Yazami; the president of the Elite Group, the Indian Prof. Pradip Kumar; Prof. Jalal Jumaa representing the president of Al-Maaref University in Lebanon, Prof. Ali Aladdin; the director of Innovation and Business Incubator at NASR, Mr. Rabih Baalbaki; the Scientific Community Coordinator at NASR, Dr. Sirine Talib, in addition to the president of NASR, Mr.. Radwan Chouaib.

Mr. Chouaib thanked the inventors participating in the exhibition from all over the world. He also thanked the institutions sponsoring the exhibition, the Lebanese Ministry of Industry in the person of the Minister Dr. Imad Hoballah, the Digital Transformation Network in Lebanon (DT Network), Sanad Association, the Lebanese Union for Informatics and Communications (ALMA), Al-Maaref University, the Lebanese University, the Islamic University Lebanon, Horizon Research Institute, ACTC College, The Patent Magazine, & Unboxing MENA. 

The speakers praised the efforts of NASR and the organizers of the show, and motivated the innovators to work hard to reach their goals and dreams. After that, they announced the gold medal winners in the exhibition. Then, Mr. Chouaib announced IFIA special awards winners: the invention of respiratory machine “NAFAS” from the Islamic University of Lebanon and the invention of “Yogurt maker with concentration system for special uses” from the Turkish Association of Innovators and Inventors. In addition to the silver and bronze medal winners.


It is worth noting that the exhibition was accompanied by virtual seminars about creativity in education and innovation, in which a number of innovators and educational institutions participated. 

The first panel was a discussion with teachers and innovation specialists from different schools in Lebanon about their experience in spreading innovation among students, with the participation of Mr. Sadek Bark from Notre Dame de Jamhour, MS Rabiaa Daou from Al Marj High School, Mr. Antoine Abi Tayeh from Kadmous High School, Mr. Hani Allouch from Al Mostapha High School, and moderated by MS Noura Merhbe.

The second panel was about Innovation with inventors talking about their inventions and experience with NASR, with the participation of Mr. Maher Osman, Mr. Talal Dandashli, Eng. Asmaa Serhan, Inv. Habib ElKak, and moderated by Dr. Violla Makhzoum.


The inventors from 14 countries BIIS 2021 gathered are a proof that Beirut remains, despite the complications, a conversion point and beacon in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship. In addition, they showed that regardless of the hard situation in the world there is always a place for motivation, innovation, and entrepreneurship. 

All the inventions and awards results are well published on the allocated website and you can surf them whenever you want.

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