In recent hours, there has been talk on the net of another Apple patent that envisages a dual-screen Macbook model.

The patent application actually dates back to 2018, but it was only approved yesterday, 24 August, a sign that the company has continued to consider the idea valid and want to protect it.
Improving an already high-performance product is difficult, but as we all know, Apple loves a challenge, so this new patent shows a variant of the MacBook with a dual touchscreen. The lower one doesn’t necessarily have to be dedicated to image and video playback, but would be used as an alternative to the physical keyboard with the help of an ergonomic stand to rest on top.
The innovation is that the lower touch gives full freedom to a range of virtual configurations that in addition to the keyboard can offer a gaming layout with specific controllers and buttons. But that’s not all… it is also possible to consider a grid of customised keys for professional software such as those for video editing, photo editing, music composition and so on. The edge would host a set of biometric sensors to detect the fingerprint (TouchId) and the face (FaceId),
Last but not least, the bottom edge would hide a series of special sensors and an area for wirelessly charging the iPhone.
In any case, it is still a patent, so we just have to wait for the final result, meanwhile, some laptops with a dual screen have already arrived on the market and still represent a niche product.