Apimires: high-tech help for beekeepers and the environment


Apimires is a mechanical device designed by Cesare Bano that allows honey to be extracted without opening the hive and without disturbing the bees

A beekeeper’s job is tiring and very demanding: it involves cleaning the hives, collecting the honey and periodically removing the wax from the combs. The beekeepers have to clean the hives, collect the honey and periodically remove the wax from the combs, all while avoiding (as far as possible) being stung by the bees. To make life easier for beekeepers, Cesare Bano has developed Apimires. This is a mechanical device that allows you to extract honey without opening the hive and without disturbing the bees. Once inserted into the hive, Apimires extracts the honey mechanically and collects it in a special container. In a few minutes, honey extraction – the process of extracting honey from the combs that today requires special machinery and hours of work – is carried out and the harvested honey is immediately ready for consumption.

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Apimires: the beehive of the future!

This significantly reduces running costs and increases the safety and hygiene of the entire extraction process. Apimires is equipped with a mechanism that prevents bees from entering the area where the beekeeper is working, thus preserving the operator’s safety and the purity of the extracted product. The device has not yet been commercialised and is being developed further. The creator is thinking of introducing an automation mechanism that will allow Apimires to “do all the beekeeper’s work by itself”, directly on the apiary.

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