Discovering Perform, Parallel Health and Tangibly, American startups that could take the market by 2023.

Curious and innovative, startups are born from the ideas of the most colorful minds and, with the right arrangements and funding, become established realities in our daily lives. Just think of Spotify, Instagram and so many others that, in their time, were mere ideas driven by the dreams of their creators.

So here for you are 3 innovative startups that could make waves in 2023:


The digital coach and supporter for your physical activity. Perform is an interactive app powered by artificial intelligence that employs the latest technology to offer a personalized running or fitness program for its users. Lazy, amateur and professional: Perform pleases everyone with a program that brings together motivation, programming and even the right tracks for an ideal session. A solid competitor to the best fitness apps, it could be the revolution of 2023.


The San Francisco startup represents innovation in the field of skin care. The industry looks like it could experience a real upheaval thanks to the innovations brought by the American startup, which, in its process, analyzes and delves into the issues and peculiarities of each individual’s skin before providing targeted and increasingly less generic solutions. The approach is unique and leaves nothing to chance; Parallel Health could really generate a lot of interest in the coming years.


Based in Seattle, Tangibly is an information management platform designed to help entrepreneurs protect their intellectual property rights in a legally sound format. Defending oneself effectively in this world of sharks, ready to snatch away ideas and projects, is increasingly necessary. In the face of this situation, the American startup offers an intuitive way to protect one’s trade secrets quickly and efficiently.

Photo : Pexels

Author: Alessandro Volpe

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